
Rachel Cusk: Kudos

Would you like to discuss English literature in English?

Would you like to discuss English literature in English?
Mandag 18. nov. 2019
13:00 - 15:00
Deichman Majorstuen
Grupperom Maj
Gratis - ingen påmelding

Discussion questions will be sent out by e-mail before each meeting. To sign up or for more information, please send an e-mail to kaja.ostgaard.pettersen@deichman.no

Rachel Cusk: Kudos (2018)

"A woman writer visits a Europe in flux, where questions of personal and political identity are rising to the surface and the trauma of change is opening up new possibilities of loss and renewal. Within the rituals of literary culture, Faye finds the human story in disarray amid differing attitudes toward the public performance of the creative persona. She begins to identify among the people she meets a tension between truth and representation, a fissure that accrues great dramatic force as Kudos reaches a profound and beautiful climax.

In this conclusion to her groundbreaking trilogy, Cusk unflinchingly explores the nature of family and art, justice and love, and the ultimate value of suffering. She is without question one of our most important living writers." (From GoodReads.com: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35961705-kudos)