Formidling og fortelling

Utstilling: Tamilsk-norske kvinner i en mannsdominert verden

Kom til Stovner for å få med deg pop up portrett-utstilling i regi DTA (Disaspora Tamil Archives). Dette er portretter som skal hedre tamilsk-norske kvinner. Velkommen!

Kom til Stovner for å få med deg pop up portrett-utstilling i regi DTA (Disaspora Tamil Archives). Dette er portretter som skal hedre tamilsk-norske kvinner. Velkommen!
Lørdag 23. apr. 2022
15:00 - 16:30
Gratis - ingen påmelding

We are DiasporA Tamil Archives (DTA) and we work to create awareness around the preservation, transmission and dissemination of Tamil cultural heritage. We are an online resource centre and community archive and work with documentation and preservation of Tamil-Norwegian migration history.

This year we have passed 2 years of work, and in this conjunction, we want to mark "Our Day" by arranging a portrait exhibition with the concept "Tamil-Norwegian women in a male-dominated world". We want to highlight and show society the beautiful women we have - and we want you to be a part of this.